Yesterday, October 17th - 19th, 2014 my friends of accounting department and I went to Yonzipur, Banyubiru, Ambarawa. We went to Ambara at 10 o'clock and arrived about at 11.30 a.m. Our activities were begun from praying of Friday to Moslem, and then we took a rest until opening ceremony was begun.
At 5.30 p.m. We ate together, after that we prayed and about at 7.30 p.m.we shared with our lecturers and Accounting Department Associations.There were many people who shared about their problems.
On October 18th, 2014 in the morning we were aerobic then had a breakfast. After that we hiked until afternoon. There were five posts and there were password each post on hiking.
The first post wascharades English game and got password “I’m your friends”.
The second post was keepcandles game and got password “Kita selalu bersama”.
The third post was cobweb game and got password “Aku tak bisa hidup tanpa kalian dan kalian tak bisa hidup tanpa aku”.
The fourth post was postcreativity and got password “Akulah penyejuk dunia”.
The Fifth post was just share with Accounting Department Associations about organization and got password “Aku dominan berwarna hijau.
After hiking, we took a bath and had lunch. Agenda continues at night, it was the performing arts and ends withthe release oflanterns.
The last day was a game, social events and tree planting. The games there were two rubber relay and long-prolongation. The games represented 10 people, social events 2 people and tree planting 2 people from each class. After that we went back to Polines.
Finished and thanks.

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